Our RESTORED story

Jaelyn and Josh Harrel

Believe it or not we didn’t seek out to start this ministry. I (Jaelyn) was actually very intent on not having a career in the church space, but God had other plans for us. In the summer following the betrayal I heard a word from God at a prayer retreat with a word that I found would leave me. RESTORED. God promised me full restoration in my life. In my healing from betrayal, In my husbands healing from his addictions, and in how we lived our lives in the future and he has delivered on that promise for us and I believe he will deliver on it for your situation too.

In 2018, after just having our 2nd son, we were having more issues than ever in our marriage. Josh was severely depressed working as a nurse struggling with a porn addiction behind the scenes, meanwhile Jaelyn had recently lost 95lbs and started a health coaching business while staying home looking after our boys. She was constantly looking for more fulfillment and purpose feeling dry and frustrated from her family life as home. Nothing filled the holes. At the ripe old age of 26 their marriage crumbled in an instant when Josh revealed a sexual addiction involving same sex attraction. In the Years that followed this betrayal we pursued the LORD , each other, and therapy to find healing. It wasn’t instantaneous. In fact, over the past 5 years we have been on a journey of restoration letting God take our brokenness and make it whole in his beautiful way. We can confidently say to this day that it IS POSSIBLE TO LIVE RESTORED. We hope through this ministry you can find the hope and healing that we have found through bringing our brokenness in the light, REBUILDING what we can rebuild, letting God RESTORE what only he can restore, and seeing the RENEWED work of art that’s created in the process.

Fun Facts About Us

Want the inside scoop on our crazy family of 6 (including the dog?)

  • We have lived in the amazing state of AZ since 2020 and we LOVE it here

  • Josh and I have known each other since we were in elementary school

  • We both grew up pastors kids at the same church

  • Cayden (our youngest) was NOT PLANNED and I found out I was pregnant when I brought our new puppy zane home

  • We have ALL BOYS and our life is wild to say the least

  • Jaelyn is actually Canadian